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Have The Heart of a Servant

Writer's picture: forsinglemomsforsinglemoms

by Jeri Johnson

A The Kids & Me Contributor

Recently I finished a class here at Central Church.  The lessons emphasized that we should be humble and have the attitude of a servant. Moreover, we are more like Jesus when we put less emphasis on ourselves and focus on the needs of others.  After all, Jesus said “. . .whoever desires to be great among you, let him be your servant - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:26-28).                           


This teaching is completely the opposite of what is taught to most children here in America. They learn that the world is all about them. Furthermore, they are taught that their aim should be to climb up the corporate ladder; and, if they step on someone on the way up, it is that person’s fault for being in the way.


But we as Christian parents can help our children to develop a servant’s heart.  Is there a student in your child’s class that has trouble keeping up with a subject that your child excels in?  Encourage your child to ask if he or she can help.  His teacher may be glad for the help. Most schools have a shortage of both teachers and assistants.  Do you have more than one child at home? Teach the older child to help the younger with chores, homework, etc.  Is there an elderly neighbor who needs help with taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, or walking his dog? If your child is old enough, teach him or her that these are good opportunities to serve. Not only will those who receive the help appreciate it, but this may be a good opportunity to introduce them to the Gospel.        



As we go about our busy lives, there are many opportunities to slow down and show our children ways in which they can be of service. When they grow up and enter the workforce, they should not just be trying to achieve a great title or make a lot of money.  They should look for opportunities to serve those you are less fortunate.  Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.”  (Matthew 25:45)

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