by The Kids & Me Contributor Jeri Johnson
“Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10a
Many years ago, when my son Marcus was still young and living at home, we attended an event that consumed most of our day. After the event, we were both very hungry. We decided that we would stop and get something to eat. We got in the car, while I was driving, and looking for a restaurant, I could hear Marcus complaining about how hungry he was. After several minutes, I looked at him and said, “Marcus, I’m hungry too.” He looked at me in astonishment and said, “Oh, yeah.” Until that moment, it never occurred to him that I may be hungry too.
As a single parent and a teacher of single parents, I often think about that moment. I think about our children (as well as other people) and how they make demands on our time and energy; easily forgetting that we are human, complete with wants and needs of our own.

Jesus faced similar situations during his earthly ministry. He was always followed by a multitude of people. Jesus grew in favor; so, people wanted more of his time. He taught them; and, often healed their diseases. But then again, Jesus also knew that he needed time for himself, (Mark 14:34-39). It was that time alone with God that enabled Him to bear out His mission: the cross (Luke 22:41-44).
Jesus fulfilled several roles, while he was here on earth. He was a Teacher, Preacher, and a Healer. As single parents, we have different roles to fill as well. We are not only parents, but we are also employees, siblings, friends, and citizens of the municipality in which we live. However, like Jesus, we are most importantly the children of God. As children, we follow the example set before us by Jesus. We learn to value ourselves and our time by maintaining a close relationship with God. We must spend time with Him in Bible study and prayer so that we have the grace to fulfill our role as a single parent, and meet our obligations. Nevertheless, we cannot neglect our relationship with God, because all the time spent in Prayer and Bible study is time well spent, and makes the rest of our lives run more smoothly. Time with God is time well spent.
Welcome to Jeri Johnson - guest blogger at The Kids & Me!